Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yoga - March 24-25 (6:30AM class)

March 24 (Monday) – After Sunday, I really took it easy. I notice that I feel a strain in my left side during Triangle and Fixed Firm really aggravates it. I stayed out of Fixed Firm and did a mild version of Triangle (on my left, right-side was normal). I am also avoiding Head To Knee Pose w/Stretching Pose and Final Spine Twisting Pose (left side only). The pain has mostly localized in my left trap and shoulder blade but I can still feel it (a little) in my middle back. I did all other poses normally but did not push myself in them. I took 2 Advil and had no pain or soreness after class.
March 25 (Tuesday) – I felt a lot better today. No pain in my trap although the middle back pain (left side still) was more pronounced. I took it easy in the same poses mentioned above. I am hoping tomorrow to get back into a few of them, even if mildly. Even though my muscle felt slightly strained in class, I did not feel any soreness after class today and took no medication. Only 6 more days!

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