Friday, August 8, 2008

So hard, but so good

My alarm went off at 5:45am. I felt unbelievably sleepy and the alarm chime became part of some warm dream now forgotten. Then I popped out of bed, almost on autopilot. Walked into the bathroom where my yoga clothes were neatly waiting for me. I started to brush my teeth and that's when the pre-yoga head games began.

"I'm so sleepy, maybe I need more rest. I should go back to bed. No you're up now, you won't be able to go back to sleep. Go to yoga. But I don't think I drank enough water yesterday. I'll be exhausted. You'll be fine. I'm feeling sad, I need to snuggle Gabe. No, yoga will help you be a better mom to Gabe. What if I am cranky later because I haven't had enough sleep and I'm extra tired from not drinking enough water? You'll be fine. Go. But I can go tomorrow." Then it hit me that I can't go tomorrow and the game was over. The good side won.

Believe it or not. This conversation in my head took 5 minutes. It amazes me how powerful and consuming the lazy, sleepy side can be. Needless to say, I felt a thousand times better after I left yoga. Not 100 times, a 1,000 times better. No longer feeling sad, and I feeling super strong because I kicked some yoga butt (and pre-yoga head game butt). And being tired and "supposedly" not drinking enough water did not seem to slow me down. I hope I can remember all of this on Sunday AM, when the head games return.

Good job will-power and thank you yoga. I cannot express enough how happy I am to have found something that works for me on so many levels.

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