Monday, August 18, 2008

Ok, where did THAT come from?

Today, Gabe embarked on a new level of defiance. It was above the normal, “Gabe, don’t do that,” and him doing it again. Today it went more like:
Me: Gabe, not in your mouth. Car tires are yucky and a choke hazard.
Gabe (full scream): NO I DON’T. DON’T TALK TO ME. LEAVE.
Me: Ok, I’ll leave but I’m taking the tires.
Followed by 2 minutes of crying before he moved on to something else. It was an extrememly defiant day though. Everything was “Gabe, please stop, don’t, I said no.” And of course, he stopped long enough to look me in the eyes and do it again.

What’s even more funny - yesterday he didn’t want to take a nap. I let him watch 10 minutes of cartoons in bed and then told him I was turning the TV off (and did). He started crying and I lay down on the bed next to him and said that I was sorry but it was quiet time. I closed my eyes and while I was pretending to sleep he said (crying), “I want the TV on ALLLWAYSS. Don’t turn the TV off mom. Everrr. No sir. You don’t do that. That’s dangerous. You are in trouble Mr.” It was hilarious hearing many of my corrections thrown back at me, wrong gender use and out of context.

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