Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Yoga - March 31 (6:30AM class)

I did it! Today I finished my yoga challenge. I completed 28 days total, 25 in a row. For those of you that know me well (type A), you know that not completing a whole amount (e.g., the full 31 days of March) makes me a little crazy. But the point is, I challenged myself and met the challenge.

Below are a few things I have gained (or lost) from my 25 day Bikram experience…
• I lost 4 lbs! Unfortunately the 4lbs were not localized to my abs. I also noticed that I only ate what I needed and had no cravings (except on Easter Sunday).
• I discovered that one hour of Bikram yoga burns 635 calories and the class is an hour and a half long.
• To attend Bikram everyday, my body needs 3L (plus) of water to feel hydrated. By hydrated I mean not feeling any soreness from a class or fatigued for the next class.
• I discovered that if you take it easy, you can heal a pulled/strained muscle while taking Bikram classes. It actually promotes healing versus adding stress.
• I feel happier and calmer, especially in stressful situations.
• I have gained self-confidence in my poses and in my life and self-discipline (because there were some mornings that I did NOT want to go).
• I gained increased flexibility overall and improved symmetry in my poses (although one side is still stronger). I have increased strength and stamina and rarely feel fatigued after a pose or class. I also exceeded many of my goals for individual poses: 1) Camel Pose: I no longer use my aid and I am now doing the full extension of the posture, which I had not even planned to do 2) Half Moon with Hands to Feet Pose: I got my legs locked (once, but still) 3) Triangle Pose: Seems much, much easier and I actually got a compliment in it one day.

I completed 25 consecutive days of yoga - through 6:30AM classes and several sleepless nights, a cold, Easter Sunday logistics, and a pulled muscle in my back – so no more excuses not to go (got that little voice in my head)?

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